The Nod

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Bikers do it. Runners do it. You know that slight deflection of the head in the direction of a fellow biker or runner as you pass on the trail. It is a gesture understood by people everywhere that says, “Yo, how’s it going? Have a good ride.” Generally, it is considered good manners to return the gesture. It really doesn’t take a whole lot of effort and it makes everyone involved feel good.

I pass by this older gentlemen every morning on my way to work. He is probably 60 years old. He wears a purple toque under a grey hoodie and jeans and walks at a determined rate. Every morning I nod to him. And every morning he looks my way and fails to return my nod. I’m not really sure why. This has been going on for close to a year now. You may wonder why I keep trying. I suppose I enjoy a good challenge.

On Friday, the routine was the same as always. I approached him on the right and nodded my head in his direction. And there it was! Barely perceptible, but it was there. A nod. Back in my direction! Made my whole day.

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