Leki Pathfinder Jr. & Diva Aergon Antishock Trekking Poles
Retail price: Jr. poles–$49.95, Diva–$139.95
Specs per manufacturer: Diva: positive angle Aergon grip, super lock system, soft anti-shock system lite, ultra sonic finish, interchangeable basket system, carbide flextip, weight–15.8 oz/pair, length–61-125 cm. Pathfinder Jr.: kid’s cor-tec compact grip, buckle strap, super lock system, ultra sonic finish, interchangeable basket system, steel flextip, weight: 14 oz/pair, length 80-110 cm.
Findings: We use our Leki poles on all our hikes. We even use them for putting up our tent shelters on trail. They are easy to adjust, strong, durable and well, we just love them. Check out the slide show for more: