Gibbons Classic Slackline

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Retail price: 49 ft. = $74.99

Specs per manufacturer: The Original Gibbon line, the CLASSIC is perfect for the diverse slackliner. Thicker webbing and two lengths make this the best line for any location or skill level.  It can even be used as a portable rail for skis, snowboards and skateboards!

Findings: We’ve had our slackline for a year now. I really wasn’t sure if the kids would be that into it when we first got it. I was wrong! It has turned our front yard into the neighborhood hot spot. They sit and bounce on it, try to walk across it, jump over it, hang from it, drape stuff on it and more. We use it in every season, including winter. It is the ultimate open ended activity for kids of any age old enough to walk. Kids play on our slackline even when we aren’t home. The real beauty is that is so engaging, the kids stay outside and play allll afternoon.

As for durability, it has held up beautifully. We leave it set up all summer-rain or shine. Nothing has rusted, and other than it being dirty, it acts like new. I highly recommend all families buy one of these for your yard, your boat, your campground, your whatever. You won’t be disapointed.

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