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Having a Soaking Wet Good Time: How to Have Fun with Kids in the Rain

Rainy days shouldn’t mean ‘stay inside days’.  They should mean ‘stomp in the puddles day’ or ‘sing in the rain day’ or ‘toothpick race day’. Rain and melt aren’t weather to be feared and avoided; rather they should be embraced for all they have to offer.

“But my kids will catch a cold out there,” you say. Nonsense. In fact, your kids are more likely to get sick being stuck inside the house. Think about it, does it really make sense that viruses only come out in cooler/wetter conditions? “But I hate being cold,” you say. Me too. With just a bit of know how, you can learn how to layer up to be warm, dry and comfy all day long—and on a budget. Once you’ve got that figured out, it’s time to head outside!

Top Ten Wondrously Wet Activities:

  1. Puddles. You can never go wrong with puddle stomping. Try it; it is oddly therapeutic for adults as well.
  2. Tooth Pick Races. Grab some toothpicks and set them afloat in the gutter or other small stream. See whose is faster. This is so much fun, you’ll be looking forward to the rain!
  3. Sidewalk Chalk. Think it’s fun on dry pavement? Wait till you try it out on wet.
  4. Rain Art. Dribble a few drops of food coloring on a paper plate and bring it out in the rain. As the rain falls, different patterns will develop. Each plate will come out different.
  5. Rain Catchers. Bring out different sized containers—some narrow, some wide mouthed– and predict which one will fill up first.
  6. Tarps. Set up a tarp in the yard to sit under. Lots of fun to listen to the rain falling on top and to watch it run off the sides.
  7. Worms! Worms love to come out and enjoy the rain too. A little gentle digging should bring the little critters to the surface. Just remind your kids to treat them with respect and not squish them.
  8. Warm Rain Shower. If you are fortunate enough to live where the rain is warm, let your kid’s wash their hair in the rain.
  9. Walk in the Rain. Don’t be afraid, you’ll love it. Don’t worry about getting wet, I promise you and your kids will dry. And you will appreciate how invigorating the rain can be.
  10. Mud Pies. You have to love this quintessential childhood activity. And if it has been 20 or 30 years or more since you have made a mud pie, well, you know what to do.

Embrace the outdoors in every season. Get outside everyday and play.

For more on dressing for wet, see Tales of a Mountain Mama

For dressing for wet on a budget, see Family Adventures in the Canadian Rockies

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